Black cumin are tiny, dark-coloured seeds with a mild lemony flavour that are used in a variety of simple dishes, including curries, snacks, and others. Back cumin may be cooked with other ingredients as whole spices, or they can be used as toppings on various foods for their unique scent. or it can be used as toppings on various dishes to add a distinct aroma. Black cumin seeds are also used in many spicy dishes as an ingredient of paanch phoron or five spices blend.

Black cumin seeds are very nutritious, and also they have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Black cumin seeds are rich in antioxidants and have antibacterial properties that can fight against bacteria, and prevent many diseases and infections.

Master’s Choice™ black cumin seeds are cleaned and packaged in a hygienic atmosphere and are ready to be cooked with your favourite recipes.

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